The SuperChar Alternative
Sustainable Renewable Plant Based Green Charcoal

"Rainforest, Mangroves and all other sources of natural timber-based Charcoals are Climate Killers"
The world is demanding a halt to the plundering of protected rainforests, mangroves, and various timber species throughout the world.
There is an insatiable global appetite to replace wood-based charcoal with a sustainable plant based green charcoal.
Current demand for charcoal is being met by cutting down old growth rainforests, mangroves, and other natural timber, particularly in Africa and Asia. Typically, it takes over 6 tonnes of wood to make one tonne of charcoal and the timber is usually more than 10 years old, before becoming suitable for harvesting.
SCL aims to promote the requirement for SOURCE VERIFICATION on all charcoal packaging to ensure total transparency throughout the supply chain for the end customers.
SCL can eliminate the annual destruction of over 750,000 trees through the use of SCL’s plant- based feedstock for its planned production rollout.
"6+ tonne of timber to make 1 tonne of charcoal"

Wood based charcoal is a climate killer

10+ years for timber to be mature for charcoal

"The global community is demanding a halt to the plundering of all wood species throughout the world."
Why SuperChar Plant Based Charcoal
SuperChar has the solution
After extensive research and testing, SuperChar Limited (SCL) has proven that a dedicated biomass hybrid grass “Pennisetum Purpureum X Pennisetum Americanum” (commonly called Bana Grass) is the optimum biomass feedstock in the production of a sustainable plant based green charcoal, green coal, bio-oils, biofuels, bio-methanol, and other renewable green energy commodities.
SCL is a business opportunity, first to market and is not an IP play, as there is no technology risk. SCL has developed its own agricultural and farming techniques and processes utilising known technology which allows for rapid start up, further reducing risk.
SCL has developed domestic and exports markets for the plant- based biomass charcoal.
SCL will construct and commission at least 10 plants over the next 10 years in Australia. Construction of the first plant will be in North Queensland, Australia will commence in 2023.
SCL will acquire the land to produce its own Bana Grass feedstock during the first five years of operation, to ensure continuity and security of supply. Thereafter, SCL will consider the option of having local farmers contract grow some of the feedstock, to assist in accelerating the production rollout.
The North Queensland, Australian farming industry has been identified as one of the key markets for diversification into the production of Bana Grass. SCL has also identified various idle land in Northern Australia which would be ideal for the growth of Bana Grass, and advanced negotiations to secure access are underway with landowners - occupiers.
The SCL solution is carbon neutral and generates substantial carbon credits using the Bana Grass feedstock and the self-powered production process. The SCL solution also generates substantial Reef Credits by utilising a reduced level of nitrogen in growing the Bana Grass as compared to traditional cane farming.
The Executive Team has extensive experience in capital markets, agricultural products, business management and the trading of commodities and currency. The Executive Team is currently building expertise in the quantifying and trading of carbon credits and Reef (nitrogen) credits, as environmental credits will become a major contributor to the profitability of the business. The Executive Team has specific expertise in the research and development of optimising the growth and yield of Bana Grass.
SCL produces its own feedstock

10 plants over 10 years

Zero net carbon emissions

Plant based charcoal

The SuperChar Solution within Australia alone will reduce the plundering of wood from old growth rainforests and other illegal harvesting by up to 4,000,000 tonnes per annum
Global Deforestation
The global community is demanding a halt to the plundering of protected rainforests, mangroves, and various timber species throughout the world. Forests provide habitats for 80 percent of amphibian species, 75 percent of bird species and 68 percent of mammal species. Over 60 percent of all vascular plants are found in tropical forests.
Mangroves provide breeding grounds and nurseries for numerous species of fish and shellfish and help trap sediments that might otherwise adversely affect seagrass beds and coral reefs, which are habitats for many more marine species.
Since 1990, it is estimated that some 420 million hectares of forest has been lost through forest degradation (approximately 42 billion trees). Between 2015 and 2020, the rate of deforestation was estimated at 10 million hectares per year. (FAO 2020)
Mangrove deforestation generates 10% of emissions from deforestation globally

Destruction of carbon-rich mangroves Costs up to US$42 billion in economic damages annually

By 2050, South-East Asia will potentially have lost 35 per cent of its mangrove cover

Why SuperChar Bana Grass
- Bana Grass is a perennial species which is planted once and can be harvested for over 20 years before re-planting.
- Bana Grass reaches maturity within 6 months of planting.
- Bana Grass can be harvested up to 3 times a year.
- Bana Grass is a high yielding crop.
- Bana Grass is highly tolerant to drought, is pest resistant and is semi nitrogen fixing (C4 plant).
- Bana Grass requires 50% less fertiliser per hectare then equivalent crops, including sugar cane.
- Bana Grass sequesters a high rate of carbon dioxide, being a perennial crop. The lack of tilling increases the carbon stored in the soil.
- Bana Grass reaches 14% protein within 6-8 weeks of planting, making it a high value cattle feedstock.
- Bana Grass converts to green charcoal with a high calorific value of over 25 GJ per tonne.
Perennial species

3 harvest yields a year

Sequesters a high rate of carbon dioxide

SuperChar's Sustainable Plant Based Charcoal

Planned National Rollout
SuperChar Limited (SCL) will commission 10 processing plants in Australia within 10 years. The market demand for green charcoal would support an accelerated rollout of production capacity and SCL will investigate this opportunity using conventional bank debt.
The modular plant design allows the scale of the annual production to vary between 9,000 and 45,000 tonnes per processing plant.
The charcoal processing plants are designed to be fully automated and are a sealed unit, with no toxic emissions. The oils and gases produced by the processing of the Bana Grass are consumed in the integrated gas turbines, which generate all power required for the charcoal processing plant and for all ancillary services.